Sunday, October 29

Why is my data not showing in ZwiftPower?

Have you ever checked ZwiftPower for your results and thought: where's my data?

Missing power data for some riders

In short, this is what you need to do to avoid this from happening:
  1. Create an account within ZwiftPower
  2. Link your ZP account to Strava
  3. Make your Strava files public so that ZP can read them
  4. Link your Strava account to Zwift
  5. Make sure Zwift successfully uploaded the .fit file to Strava
If your name is not hyperlinked (in blue) like those in the screenshot above, you will need to complete one or more of the five steps above. There are other possibilities, such as a glitch with Strava, ZwiftPower, Zwift itself, or your connection.

There is one other possibility, where you continue to ride long after the event has finished. There is an automated process that picks up the data from Strava; if you keep riding for too long, you power file won't uploaded and won't be seen in the results. Some organisers will manually rescan Strava but, if you want to keep riding, it's best to save your workout in Zwift and start a new session.

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