Monday, October 6

Rise of the Phoenix

Hi there!

If you are following this blog, you may have noticed a distinct lack of posts from me in your feed. After a few years' sabbatical, where I decamped to Facebook, I shall be returning to blogging again.

I'll come clean: I got enticed by the immediacy and interaction of Facebook but that interaction also meant dealing with the irrational, the idiotic and the downright nasty. So, to retain my sanity, I have recently left every FB group related to indoor cycling and fitness bar one, reverting back to my blog (which I originally started to move away from an indoor cycling forum that had turned nasty).

My aim is to post anything that wouldn't or doesn't make it to a paid online publication. This blog helped me get noticed but I have to pay the bills; so, any profiles or articles deemed worthy of being published won't be reproduced here (for obvious reasons!).

I hope, however, that I'll still have plenty to say and write - watch this space!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good to see you back Rob .... more posts please .... also, remember, i am babysitting Bradley when I come over to the UK from sunny Cork ;-)